Establishment Histories
In December 1997 by acquiring eight livestock and meat processing plants with a total value of US$54.7 million in a privatization program from the Ethiopia government, ELFORA agro-Industry PLC started its business journey under the umbrella of the then MIDROC Ethiopia Investment Group in the agro-processing sector. Since its acquisition ELFORA has operated in three major operations; poultry operation, agriculture and food processing operation and livestock operations. Currently, ELFORA being the subsidiary of MIDROC Investment Group in 2023 GC has crossed the ups and downs of its 26th year of exiting agro-processing industry endeavors. With our rich experience in the industry and experienced expertise in the sector, we are prepared and dedicated to serving our customers more than ever.
Our vertically integrated and strategically located crop and vegetable farms, poultry farms, ranches, export abattoir and food processing factories enable us to be resilient and build a prominent brand in the industry. This enables us to build long-term B-to-B relationships with our esteemed company customers and sister companies like Ethiopian Airlines, Sheraton Addis, Lama Dairy and Queens Supermarket to mention some. Our production team and sales crew produced and packaged our products to satisfy your needs of table egg and broiler meat from our Dibre Zite poultry farm; sheep, goat and cattle caracas and clean meat from our Dibre Zite export abattoir, vegetable and fruit products from our five farms delivered to you freshly for bulk purchase direct from the main office at Gurd Shola or farm gate or at retail via our sister company market outlet Queens Supper Market.
Incorporating real estate into our portfolio, we are also giving hospitality service in our fully and finely furnished guest houses located at Torehiloch area at the heart of Addis Ababa and rent affluent office spaces at Gurd Shola main office building. In addition, our export abattoir located at Debere Zite also gives cattle, sheep and goat slaughter services to customers. Our journey was not quite smooth in the past 26 years. As we have enjoyed good years of bumper profits harvest from the local and export markets, there were also financial downturns and infrastructural damage in local conflicts including the recent war in the northern region that wiped out a significant amount of our investment.
However, the hard time has cast ELFORA to be resilient by unleashing the hidden tenacity of a dedicated family of a hard-working team of employees to decipher the way out together with the corporate leadership working in unison. This makes us not only survive but thrive, bouncing from consecutive years of loss to three consecutive years of profitable growth which makes us be for two consecutive year Gold-level taxpayer awardees. This is just the beginning our aspirations are very high, to be the national powerhouse for healthy and affordable protein food production and supply in the coming five years, and we have organized ourselves to serve you better and more for the coming years and for generations to come.
☀ Shallo Farm
☀ Nettle Farm and Dairy
☀ Cheffa Farm and Poultry Project
☀ Wonji Kuriftu Farm and Dairy
☀ Kompolcha Agroprocessing Plant and Abattoir
☀ Melge Wondo Agro-Processing Plant, Abattoir and Farm
☀ Bishoftu /Debre Zeyit Poultry Farm
☀ Bishoftu/Debre Zeyit Export Abattoir
☀ Dire Dawa Abattoir
☀ Gonder Abattoir
Our Vision
We work in solidarity to make our country reputable again in healthy and nutritious protein food supply and for its sustainability for generations.
Our Mission
Within our portfolio of businesses, use our integrated farms, by augmenting the blessing of nature with endemic and advanced scientific agricultural technology; and produce poultry and livestock products, cultivate crops and vegetables, and process them to Ethiopian flavored foods for domestic and foreign markets, and develop real estate to avail value-added services; all with superior quality, affordable prices and better availability.
Core Values
We treat our customers and employees as our own family