Modern Poultry
Our Poultry
Poultry is one of the biggest investments for the last 20 years; ELFORA has been the largest and leading poultry farm operator in the country. A Dual Purpose Grandparent and Parent Stock Farm will be operation at Shallo Integrated Farm, Hawassa area.
1. Parent
✓ Broilers Cobb 500 Parent ( 10,000 per year)
✓ Lohmann Brown Classic Layers Parent ( 8,000 per year)
2. Hatchery
✓ 1,456,764 broilers and 1,578,964 layers fertile eggs per year
3. DOC (Day-Old Chickens)
✓ 632,448 broilers commercial and 516,326 layers commercial per yearDay-Old
4. Products
✓ DOC (Day-Old Chickens), Pullet and Fertile Eggs✓ Sasso (111,600 per year)
✓ 401,198Kg broilers meat and 30,550,173 table eggs per year
5. Byproducts
✓ Manure and Red Offal
Layer parents per year
10, 000
Broiler parents per year
- Sasso
- Pullet
- Day-Old